Inside the mind of an intellectual "Jerk"

Thursday, July 16, 2009

"It's A Recession..." The New Black

First, I would just like to thank all those who have supported the blog thus far. I now have had well over a 1,000 hits since I started last Monday. I didn't expect all the positive feedback that I have gotten and if you keep reading, I will keep writing. With that said...on to today's topic.

Have you noticed how fast "it's a recession" has become everyone's favorite quote, excuse, sentence filler, etc.? People have seriously found a way to use this one liner in nearly every situation imaginable. You can ask someone almost any kind of question and there's probably about a 50/50 chance that they're going to say something about the recession (maybe I just have bad luck with these encounters). But i'm pretty sure i'm not the only one who's experienced this new phenomenon. So I compiled a list of incidents involving the use (or misuse) of the phrase that I've witnessed personally (some true and some not, see if you can tell the difference).
  • Question:"So are you growing your hair out or you just need a haircut?" Answer: "'s a recession out here."
  • Q: "Why are the Cavs getting beat like this?" A: "It's a recession...everybody is out here struggling."
  • Q: "Hahahaha, why are you talking to her dude?" A: "It's a recession...I gotta take what I can get these days."
  • Q: "Do you want to go to the midnight showing of Transformers?" A: "No way...i'm waiting until it's on the Five Buck Club, it's a recession."
  • Q: "Does your internet work?" A: "Not right now, probably because of the recession."
  • Q: "Did you hear that the pretzel place in the mall got rid of the Glazin' Raisin?!?!" A: "Are you kidding me?? I guess the recession claimed another victim."
  • Q: "Wow, i've never seen you try this hard in a class before. I guess you're turning over a new leaf huh?" A: "Nah, it's a recession."
  • Q: "Man, why do you have one ply toilet paper in your bathroom. You know you're not in prison right?" A: "Yeah, but I also know it's a recession and that brand is only .88 cents!"
  • Q: "Why were the birds chirping so loud outside of my window this morning!!??" A: "Because it's a recession and they want you to wake up to go to work!"
  • Q: "Why are your friend's hands so dry and hard? They feel like construction worker's hands!" A: "Hey, hey, it's a recession."

Ok, I think you get the point (LOL). This phrase does not explain EVERYTHING! Stop using it to explain your own silliness or shortcomings or even because you don't know the real answer to a question. Just like with the anthrax outbreak years ago and the swine flu outbreak more recently, we have a tendency to overdo it. Everytime somebody coughed a few weeks ago, somebody inevitably said something like: "Uggghh, you got swine flu!" NO SIMPLETON, my throat is dry! SHUT UP. Maybe it was funny the first hundred times someone said it, but trust by the time YOU say it, it's more stale than crackers that sat out opened overnight.

But on a serious note, the recession is real...we need relief and now...OBAMA! Stop throwing out first pitches at All-Star games and pitch an idea (that will get passed by congress) to get us out of debt! The honeymoon period is over! Yes we did...but now it's time for you to do something so we can get you re-elected! No better place than to help get your people out of debt so we can go back to getting regular haircuts and buying quality lotion.

Ahh, that feels better.

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